Das Wimpernverlängerungs einmal eins: Alles, was du vor deinem Termin wissen solltest

Eyelash extensions once: everything you should know before your appointment:

“Basically, you'll wake up with perfect lashes.”

Do you know the main reasons / arguments for eyelash extensions?

  1. Junge Wimpern (ohne sich mit wasserfesten Mascara-Mänteln herumschlagen zu müssen) 
  2. Reduzierung deiner morgendliche Badezimmer Zeit

Wenn du auf die Idee stehst, jeden Tag mit vollen, langen, dunklen Wimpern aufzuwachen, solltest du dich unbedingt mit dem Thema Wimpernverlängerungen beschäftigen. Aber bevor du nun einen Termin buchst, solltest du dich über alle wichtigen Aspekte informieren:

  • volle Lange 
  • schöne strahlende Wimpern (meist wird schwarz genommen)
  • Jeden Tag mit  wundervollen Wimpern zu starten

So read on to find out all the details you really need to know before booking this appointment with me.

Was sind Wimpernverlängerungen?

Wimpernverlängerungen sind semi permanente Wimpern, die von Hand auf deine natürlichen Wimpern aufgeklebt werden.

Because lash extensions are applied one at a time, unlike strips of lashes, they are super customizable and actually look real and natural.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

If you really take care of them (more on that later), eyelash extensions can be worn for six to eight weeks before they fall out naturally, as your eyelashes normally do. However, once they fall out, you can contact me again to have the missing pieces refilled. So technically, you can wear your eyelash extensions indefinitely.

Do eyelash extensions ruin your natural lashes?

Not really - there isn't much evidence to suggest that eyelash extensions can actually affect your natural eyelash length or health in the long term. However, there is a tiny risk of developing traction alopecia. But don't stress - this is not usual and also depends on other factors (more later).

Normalerweise braucht es Jahre der schlechten Anwendung und unsachgemäßer Pflege, damit die Wimpern langfristig geschädigt werden. 

With me as your stylist, you have a reputable, well-rated and trained professional. In addition to good quality work, hygiene during and between the procedures is also important to me.

Sind Wimpernverlängerungen gefährlich?

Eyelash extensions are not dangerous if the methods and material are of a high quality, as we do. Do you have questions about the ingredients of the eyelash glue used or the method?

Write me your questions, that's what our service is for!

First of all I can answer the following:

    No formaldehyde (a known eye irritant that can cause redness, irritation and itching, swollen eyelids) Butyl Cyanoacrylate and/or Octyl Cyanoacrylate based adhesives - they are less harmful to the eye area.

Wie viel kosten Wimpernverlängerungen?

It depends on how often and how intensive the procedure is. Usually between €50 and €110. As lashes grow and fall out naturally, you should return every few weeks for refills/removals, which can cost anywhere from €10 to €110* depending on how many new lashes you need.

TIPP*: Je länger du zwischen den Auffüllungen zeit verstreichen lässt, desto mehr Wimpern müssen letzten Endes ersetzen werden – und wenn du zu lange wartest, müssen wir einen brandneuen Satz Verlängerungen aufsetzen.

What to expect at your appointment!

How do you know what size eyelash extensions you need?

Maybe you want Kardashian lashes and that's why you came to me?!

Unfortunately, I can't offer you this as a flat rate, because we first have to check whether your eyes can handle it. The type of lashes you get will depend on the length and thickness of your natural lashes.

Wearing lashes that appear too long or too thick for your lashes can actually cause damage in the long run (as discussed above), so you need to ensure your extensions fall in line with your natural lash loading. And this is where I come in. During our appointment, we will individually tailor your eyelash extensions to you according to the possibilities.

If all this sounds confusing, don't worry - a licensed eyelash specialist like me will recognize and see this in no time and address the topic openly and directly. I'll help you make the best decision for your lashes, including the type of material (such as synthetic mink material or synthetic silk).


Nerz: Fühlt sich weicher an und sieht natürlicher aus; einige Kunststoffe, die hochgradig anpassbar sind, können jedoch auch natürlich aussehen und sich ebenso anfühlen und am Ende gleich viel oder mehr kosten als Nerz. Da wir ebenfalls nachhaltig arbeiten und Handeln, kannst du dir sicher sein, dass wir dir kein Kunststoff oder Plastik anbieten.

When it comes to the density, shape and length of your extensions, we will work together to find the best option for you. We take into account your face shape, bone structure and the look of your natural eyelashes.

Can I wear makeup with my eyelash extensions?

Nein. Du solltest zu deinem Termin mit sauberer Haut und ohne Augen-Make-up erscheinen. Das bedeutet absolut keinen Lidschatten, Eyeliner und/oder Mascara. Alles an deinen Lidern oder Wimpern könnte das Ergebnis deiner Extensions beeinflussen, also wasch dein Gesicht auf jeden Fall vorher.

How to properly care for your eyelash extensions:

Can I shower with my eyelash extensions?

Selbstverständlich, aber nicht innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden nach unserem Termin. Wimpernkleber variieren in der Aushärtungszeit zwischen 12 und 24 Stunden, je nachdem, welchen Kleber wir verwenden. Es ist superwichtig, dass du sanft mit deinen neuen Wimpern umgehst, das bedeutet während dieser Zeit den Kontakt mit dem Wasser möglichst vermeiden. Falls es doch zwingend nötig ist zu duschen oder sich zu waschen, achte bitte darauf, dass deine Wimpern nicht nass oder angefeuchtet werden (Luftfeuchtigkeit / Dampf ist ebenfalls damit gemeint).

Kann man Wimperntusche auf Wimpernverlängerungen auftragen?

I do not recommend using mascara with eyelash extensions.

How so? In fact, taking off your mascara at the end of the day can cause your extensions to snap or loosen from the friction and makeup remover. As for eyeliner, avoid using cream-based formulas, they often contain oils and waxes that can break down lash glue.

Can you wash your eyes with eyelash extensions?

It is best to only use cleaning agents that have been specially developed for eyelash extensions. Other products may contain ingredients that can weaken the bonding of your eyelash extensions and cause them to fall off prematurely. And if you want to wear eye makeup, please use oil-free pads and swipe gently from top to bottom, please don't back and forth to get your lids and lashes clean.

Finally, an important note: avoid rubbing or tugging on your eyes, which can also quickly lead to breakage or failure.

Sollte ich meine Wimpernverlängerung bürsten / kämmen?

Lashes can get tangled while sleeping or showering, so it is necessary that you gently comb/brush your lashes with a clean spoolie brush upon waking up after a shower and at the end of the day.

Note: To avoid unnecessary tangling, try sleeping on your back or side (not stomach) also, using silk pillowcases with extensions tends to be gentler and prevent tangling!

Would you like an appointment or do you have any questions?

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